import java.awt.Frame; import*; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.text.NumberFormat; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.List; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.awt.*; import javax.swing.JFrame; import javax.swing.JMenu; import javax.swing.JMenuBar; import javax.swing.JMenuItem; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.JSeparator; public class Gunstore{ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { int maincontrol=0; double discount=0.1;//currently 10% discount per purchase double tax=0.17;//current 17% tax oer purchase int quantity=0; String highitem = null; double hq = 0; String shq=null; String accessboss="admin"; String accessclerk="clerk"; String passboss="admin"; String passclerk="clerk"; String user; String pass=""; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "D. S. C. D " +"\n\n\n" +"Please Login for Access."); // user=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"UserName: ");//admin+user //pass=JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Password: ");//admin //if(user.equals(accessboss) && pass.equals(passboss)){ while(maincontrol==0){ String salesinfo="Sales Information.txt"; File salesfile= new File(salesinfo); Calendar currentDate = Calendar.getInstance(); String squantity = null; SimpleDateFormat formatter= new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MMM/dd"); String dateNow = formatter.format(currentDate.getTime()); double total=0; String allstoresale = null; //int item = 0; //String pc = null; String itemname = null; double unitcost=0; //int sales = 0; //String prodcode=null; //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Receive a 10% on purchases more than $3000 "); //String buy = null; String sunitcost; int imi=0,kal=0,tom=0,bus=0,g18=0,sw=0,ber=0,col=0,rev=0,des=0,mp5=0,c15=0; int count; String stotal = null; String itemcode = null; int menu=(Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("\t Logged in as: Manager" +"\n\n\n(1) \t to make a purchase\n" +"(2) \t Highest Sale for the day \n" +"(3)\t Item that sold the most \n" +"(4)\t All Sales for day \n"+"(5)\t Display all Sales for the Store \n" +"(6)\t Manage discount or GCT \n" +"(0)\tExit \n"))); switch(menu){ case 0: System.exit(menu); case 1:main1(salesfile,discount,tax,shq,highitem,hq,imi,kal,tom,bus,g18,sw,ber,col,rev,des,mp5,c15); maincontrol=0; break; case 2: highsale(total); maincontrol=0; break; case 3: maincontrol=0; break; case 4: case 5: allstoresale(salesfile); maincontrol=0; break; case 6: setdiscount( discount,tax ); maincontrol=0; break; } }//} //else if(user.equals(accessclerk) && pass.equals(passclerk)){ while(maincontrol==0){ String salesinfo="Sales Information.txt"; File salesfile= new File(salesinfo); Calendar currentDate = Calendar.getInstance(); String squantity = null; SimpleDateFormat formatter= new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MMM/dd"); String dateNow = formatter.format(currentDate.getTime()); double total=0; //int item = 0; //String pc = null; String itemname = null; double unitcost=0; //int sales = 0; //String prodcode=null; //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Receive a 10% on purchases more than $3000 "); //String buy = null; String sunitcost; int count; String stotal = null; String itemcode = null; int imi=0,kal=0,tom=0,bus=0,g18=0,sw=0,ber=0,col=0,rev=0,des=0,mp5=0,c15=0; int menu=(Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("\t Logged in: Sales Clerk" +"\n\n\n(1) \t to make a purchase\n" +"(0)\tExit \n"))); switch(menu){ case 0: System.exit(menu); case 1:main1(salesfile,discount,tax,shq,highitem,hq,imi,kal,tom,bus,g18,sw,ber,col,rev,des,mp5,c15); maincontrol=0; break; default: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You donot have Access Loser!"); maincontrol=0; break; } } } public static void highsale(double total){ double temp=0; double high = 0; NumberFormat formatterx = new DecimalFormat("#0.00"); if(total>temp){ high=total; } else{ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "There has not been a Sale as yet!"); } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Highest Sale for Today is: " +formatterx.format(high)); } private static void allstoresale(File salesfile) throws IOException { String displaysales; try{ FileReader fr = new FileReader(salesfile); BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr); while((displaysales = br.readLine()) != null){ System.out.println(displaysales); } }catch(IOException ioe){ System.out.println(ioe); } } public static double setdiscount(double discount, double tax){ int ans=0; double xdis; double xtax; int ans1=0; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The Current Discount is at: " +discount+"% per total purchase totaling more than $3000 "); ans=Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Do you wish to enter new discount price? (Press a number)")); while(ans>=0){ xdis=Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter new Discount in '%' ")); xdis=(xdis*0.01); discount=xdis; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The New discount is set @ " +discount+"% per total purchase totaling more than $3000 "); ans=-4; }JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The Current Tax is at: " +tax +"% per purchase "); ans1=Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Do you wish to enter new Tax? (Press a number)")); while(ans>=0){ xtax=Double.parseDouble(JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter new Tax in '%' ")); xtax=(xtax*0.01); tax=xtax; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"The New discount is set @ " +xtax+"% per total purchase totaling more than $3000 "); } JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"\n New Discount= " +discount +"\n New Tax(GCT)= " +tax); return discount; //} //return discount; } public static int[] main1(File salesfile,double discount,double tax,String shq,String highitem,double hq,int sig,int imi,int kal,int tom,int g18,int sw,int ber,int c19,int rev,int des,int mp5,int c15){ Calendar currentDate = Calendar.getInstance(); String squantity = null; SimpleDateFormat formatter= new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy/MMM/dd"); String dateNow = formatter.format(currentDate.getTime()); //String highitem = null; double total=0; //double discount=0.1;//customers receive a 10% discounts on purchases totaling to more than $3000 String itemname = null; double unitcost=0; int quantity=0; //JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Receive a 10% on purchases more than $3000 "); NumberFormat formatterx = new DecimalFormat("#0.00"); String sunitcost; String itemcode = null; int c =0; while(c==0){ int value=(Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog( "`````^^Handguns^^`````\n\n" +"(1) Desert eagle -price: $1300.00 \n\n" +"(2) Revolver - price: $424.99 \n\n" +"(3) Colt 1911 - price: $1229.99 \n\n" +"(4) Smith & Wesson - price: $699.99 \n\n" +"(5) Sig p226 - price: 568.00 \n\n" +"(6) Beretta M9 9mm-code: price:$ 580.00 \n\n" +"(7) Glock 18 -price: $779.99 \n\n" +" \n`````^^Sub-Machine Guns^^````` \n\n" +"(8) HK Mp5 - price: $1300.00 \n\n" +"(9) Bushmaster Carbon 15 -price :$1880.95 \n\n" +"(10) IMI mini-UZI price:$899.99 \n\n" +"(11) Kalashnikov AK-12 fff -price $6100.00 \n\n" +"(12) M1 Thompson(Tommy Gun) -price: $15000.00 \n\n" +"\n" +"(0)\t Return to Main Menu"))); int count[]=new int[11]; switch(value){ case 1: itemname="Desert eagle"; itemcode="deag"; unitcost=1300.00; quantity = (Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "How many Units of: " +itemname))); squantity=""+quantity; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You've purchased: "+itemname); des++; count[0]=count[0]+1; c=1; break; case 2: itemname="Revolver"; unitcost=429.99; itemcode="revl"; quantity = (Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "How many Units of: " +itemname))); squantity=""+quantity; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You've purchased: "+itemname); rev++; count[1]=count[1]+1; c=1; break; case 3: itemname="Colt 1911"; unitcost=1229.99; itemcode="c191"; quantity = (Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "How many Units of: " +itemname))); squantity=""+quantity; count[2]=count[2]+1; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You've purchased: "+itemname); c=1; c19++; break; case 4: itemname="Smith & Wesson"; unitcost=699.99; itemcode="swes"; quantity = (Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "How many Units of: " +itemname))); squantity=""+quantity; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You've purchased: "+itemname); count[3]=count[3]+1; sw++; break; case 5: itemname="Sig p226 "; unitcost=1300.00; itemcode="sp22"; quantity = (Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "How many Units of: " +itemname))); squantity=""+quantity; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You've purchased: "+itemname); count[4]=count[4]+1; sig++; break; case 6: itemname="Beretta M9 9mm"; unitcost=580.00; itemcode="bm9"; quantity = (Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "How many Units of: " +itemname))); squantity=""+quantity; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You've purchased: "+itemname); ber++; c=1; count[5]=count[5]+1; break; case 7: itemname="Glock 18"; unitcost=779.99; itemcode="G18"; quantity = (Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "How many Units of: " +itemname))); squantity=""+quantity; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"You've purchased: "+itemname); g18++; c=1; count[6]=count[6]+1; break; case 8: itemname="HK Mp5"; unitcost=1300.00; itemcode="Hmp5"; quantity = (Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "How many Units of: " +itemname))); squantity=""+quantity; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You've purchased: "+itemname); mp5++; c=1; count[7]=count[7]+1; break; case 9: itemname="Bushmaster Carbon 15"; unitcost=1880.95; itemcode="Bc15"; quantity = (Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "How many Units of: " +itemname))); squantity=""+quantity; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You've purchased: "+itemname); c15++; c=1; count[8]=count[8]+1; break; case 10: itemname="IMI mini-UZI"; unitcost=899.99; itemcode="Iuzi"; quantity = (Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "How many Units of: " +itemname))); squantity=""+quantity; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You've purchased: "+itemname); imi++; c=1; count[9]=count[9]+1; break; case 11: itemname="Kalashnikov AK-12"; unitcost=1880.95; itemcode="Ak12"; quantity = (Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "How many Units of: " +itemname))); squantity=""+quantity; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You've purchased: "+itemname); kal++; c=1; count[10]=count[10]+1; break; case 12: itemname="M1 Thompson (Tommy Gun)"; unitcost=1880.95; itemcode="Tgun"; quantity = (Integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "How many Units of: " +itemname))); squantity=""+quantity; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "You've purchased: "+itemname); tom++; c=1; count[11]=count[11]+1; break; case 0: c=1; //maincontrol=0; break; default: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Invalid please retry"); //System.exit(c); c=0; break; } double untaxed; unitcost=(unitcost+(unitcost*tax)); total=(unitcost*quantity); total=(total-(total*discount)); untaxed=(total+(total*tax)); String stotal = ""+total; sunitcost=""+unitcost; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Your Current Untaxed Balance: $"+formatterx.format(untaxed)); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Your Total Balance(including a " +tax +"% in payable GCT" +"$"+formatterx.format(total)); try{ FileWriter fw = new FileWriter(salesfile,true); BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(fw); fw.write(" Product: "+itemname+"\t"); fw.write("\t\t"); fw.write("ItemCode: "+itemcode+"\t"); fw.write("\t\t"); fw.write("Unitcost: " +sunitcost+"\t"); fw.write("\t\t\t"); fw.write("Quantity: " +squantity+"\t"); fw.write("\t\t"); fw.write("Date of Purchase:" +dateNow); fw.write("\n"); fw.write("\n"); bw.close(); fw.close(); }catch(IOException ioe){ System.out.println(ioe); } int record=JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null, "Do you want to make another purchase "); if(record==JOptionPane.YES_OPTION){ c=0; } else if(record==JOptionPane.NO_OPTION) {c=1; JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null,"Thanks for purchasing a: " +itemname); } else System.exit(c); } return new int[12]; } }
Display the name and quantity of the item which was sold the most,